The Spiritual Tea-Right and Wrong
It’s been quite a while since I last blogged, and my Spirit Team has been gently nudging me to get back into doing some writing. Life is often busy with family and work, and things just got away from me for a bit, and I am happy to be back at it! As I move forward...
A New Year
A New Year As we approach a New Year we begin to take inventory of ourselves and how we view our lives. It’s easy to look back at the previous year and judge what we did NOT get done or what we didn’t accomplish. What’s important is to focus on what we did...
Energetic Hygiene 101
Energetic Hygiene 101 You might be wondering what the heck does “energetic hygiene” even mean. Is that like taking a shower but for your energy? Well…that would be a good way to look at it! We are all made up of energy, and just as we have a responsibility to bathe...
For you…
There are so many times in our lives that we go through difficult events and we feel that things are happening TO us. How many times have you thought, "I can't believe this is happening to me!" If you are able to change your perspective just a bit when things become...
Angel Driven
Several months ago before I had this outlet to blog I was in meditation and the words "Angel" Driven came to me. I knew it would be the topic of my first "official" blog, and I am excited to share that with you today! When I was in my late teens I recognized a...